New Firmware Released 5.7.1/9.6
New Firmware Released 5.6.9/9.5
New Firmware Released 5.6.3/8.8
New Firmware Released 5.5.6/8.5
Release 5.5.6/8.5
1. Advanced support for new revision
of ALP Control Units (ALP Control Box Rev. 4.0) Expected availability
by the end of Summer 2019
2. Assisted Radar Filter (ARF) option for
filtering car assisted cruise control (ACC) radar signals (available on
AL Priority Rev. 4.0 Control Units)
3. Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
4. Occasional Error 10 bug fixed.
New Firmware Released 5.5.1/8.1
Control Box firmware update
Release 5.5.1/8.1.
1. New Lidar support added and performance improved for several Lidars.
NetRadar antenna communication improved; random radar disconnect errors
should happen less often. Make sure to update both the ALP and the
radar antenna with the latest firmware.
3. Bug fixes and stability improvements, among which are:
- Improvements in activation of new settings when switching between profiles;
- switching between Profiles is now smoother;
- Force PDC, once Activated now remains active only in the current Profile;
- Automatic sensor check fail error F2/R2, caused by Laser Cruise Control interference during system powering - bug cleared.
- Audio alert loss in ProMode, bug fixed.
New Firmware Release 03/31/2017
New Firmware Release 11/08/2016
New Firmware Release 08/02/2016
New Firmware Release 06/21/2016
New Net Radar Antenna is now available for the AL Priority System
New Firmware Release 03/23/2016
New AL Priority BT Module Released
New Firmware Release 12/14/2015
New Firmware Release 10/08/2015
New AL Priority Firmware being released on 10/8/2015 to fix some minor bugs, update lidar support and add some new features.