Details of the 5.1.1 update: (04/24/15)

Control Box Firmware update

Release 5.1.1/6.1

1. Various bug fixes and stability improvements (PDC, Counters, HiFi support, GPS, Demo mode etc.).
2. Self-test routine improved.
3. Laser support improved - Important update for users in USA and Hungary!
4. Initial Release to Support the Valentine 1 radar detector connection over the newly released RG Plugin 2. When connected the V1 alerts will be announced over the ALP system and the V1 can be setup over the alpupdate website. This option is ONLY available with the NEW RG Plugin 2!
5. New selectable option is available: After LID timeout. Select between two options. If DLI & Warm-up is selected, the ALP will switch to detect only mode after the LID timer (3-9 seconds) times-out during a Laser alert. It will remain in detect only mode as long as you are being actively targeted, and then it will go into a warm-up. If Warm-up is selected, the system will go into a 60 seconds of warm-up mode before it reactivates detection and/or defense again.
6. New selectable option is available: Menu button short press function. Short press of the Menu button can now have several functions: Fog lights, None and Force parking only. Use Fog lights (default) to turn the Fog lights on/off on the ALP sensor version with Fog lights; use None for the short press to have no action; use Force parking only to change between your active Setup and Forced PDC only mode.
7. New selectable option is available: Lock Volume of Laser alerts. Volume of Laser alerts can now be set to predefined level independently of the Master Volume level. If locked, changing the Master Volume (purple menu) will not change the Laser volume as it will remain locked to it's predefined value.
8. New selectable option is available: Lock Volume of Radar alerts. Volume of Radar alerts can now be set to predefined level independently of the Master Volume level. If locked, changing the Master Volume (purple menu) will not change the Radar volume as it will remain locked to it's predefined value.
9. New selectable option is available: Bellow selected LID Speed Limit for users with the GPS receiver installed. This option alows to select which mode will the system be in when car is driving bellow the speed defined as a speed for activating laser defense. When driving bellow selected LID speed limit it can be set to remain in PDC only OR in DLI (Detecting laser) mode.
10. New Service code is available 4-5-6: Erase the HiFi Voicepack. It can be activated manually: Enter Service code Menu (Yellow 7). LED will turn white. Press Next 4 times then Enter. Press Next 5 times then Enter. Press Next 6 times then Enter. System will erase the HiFi Control Set’s Voicepack memory & the HiFi Control Set will revert to tones only.

To download update visit the ALP Update Site located at